Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Stubs Stewart State Park

Stubs is a lot of fun and close to town. It is a fairly new park so there are many trails that are still under construction but there was still plenty to choose from. The trails I have explored have been well maintained either gravel or wide dirt trails. I haven't found any water crossings much to Rachel's dismay! Stubs is supposed to be ridable year around, I will let you know if that is true once I get a chance to try the off season. So far it has not been busy at all and I love the beautiful high mountain views. I can't wait to go back and try some of the newly opened areas.

Stub Stewart home page

Endless View!

Fort Stevens State Park

Ft Stevens is a lot of fun. Miles of beaches! We have been there twice and it has never been busy so there is lots of room to run. We have also explored off beach trails a little. I have to say I think this is one of my favorite places to go. Be prepared for some wind though.

These pictures were from my first time there, I was so proud of Turbo and Tango they both let us get them in the water. It was such a strange feeling when the waves came up and around their legs, it seemed like we were moving sideways. I can't wait to go back and explore the off beach trails further. We just barely touched on them last time but we had a lot of fun.

PS Ask Rachel what happened the last time we went? :)

Fun in the water


Sunday, September 26, 2010

More About Me

Are you wondering why I call my blog the Pacific Crest Trail Rider when I have never ridden the trail? I hope to ride a section of it this summer with my friend Rachel. We have a lot of work to do but are already back country trail riders. I am going to chronicle my planning and eventual journey as we count down to the ride. First we have to pick a date for the ride :)

Some things we have already decided, we are going to ride Tango and Turbo but bring Brownie along as a pack horse. Not sure he will like that as he thinks he is the boss. We will be riding the trail as barefoot riders but we will have boots when we need them. The time frame for the ride will have to stay right at about a week as we both work and I am in school. 

Here is some info about the trail and about choosing to ride barefoot.

Pacific Crest Trail Association

We use the easyboot glove style of hoof boot and they have been working out well. 

Sunday, September 19, 2010


Well not exactly the beginning but the beginning of my blog....

I have started this blog to chronicle my journey from horse lover to horse owner. I have always wanted a horse just like any young girl out there but that desire never left. It has taken a long time (and no I am not going to say exactly how long) but I finally got one. He is my baby and I love him like any ten year old girl would.

This is Turbo about a week after I got him home.

Turbo is a 10 year old sooty buckskin quarter horse and I have had him for about 3 months now. He has already taken me many places and taught me a lot. He is the best first horse and I love his unusual colour.

Since I actually have a 10 year old daughter I couldn't get a horse without getting one for her. We got brownie while she was in Canada and he is a 16 year old Appaloosa/Arab cross. He is a stubborn little horse but he is perfect for her. Shhhhhh, don't tell her but I thought he was totally ugly when we first got him.

We also have a third horse Tango that stays here he is an 11 yo Thoroughbred that belongs to a friend.

image 1983682079-1

There are also a couple of boys in th mix, my husband and my 12 year old son. They like to ride horses but are not horse crazy like the girls in the family.

Just writing about them makes me happy. There is nothing like the smell of a horse!